Certified Practitioner Spotlight - Vanessa Hess, RPh, NBC-HWC, CMIP

Hi, Vanessa! Tell us about your background and credentials in health and wellness:

I have over 35 years serving the healthcare community as a pharmacist. Currently, I practice as a clinical pharmacist in a large VA health care center. My years of practice have traversed the spectrum from primary care to ICU medicine. I have also received training as an Integrative Health Coach, adding a national board certification for Health and Wellness coaching. Additional skills include advanced energy training and the credentials of CMIP from The Practical Path.

What drew you to The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™?

Throughout my practice of pharmacy, I often wondered if we were merely putting band-aids on people, trying to cover a deeper problem that has left the issue unaddressed. I questioned why people did not seem to heal and wondered what it would take for them to get better. Medicine as I saw it seemed incomplete. Even my horse pointed me in the direction of opening my awareness for additional options of care for her. I turned to CAM practices and found help for her healing journey. It was the beginning of my own personal journey as well.

Medical intuition appeared to me as the missing link, pinpointing root causes and shedding light on imbalances. Not only could information be brought to conscious awareness, but also suggestions for a course of action. Recommendations could be streamlined saving the client time, money and potential frustration. The client could be pointed in the direction to get the needed help in an efficient manner.

I chose The Practical Path for my training because it was grounded and taught with integrity, stressing practitioner ethics. The program embodied these values in a matrix of respect and support. As the program unfolded, I could appreciate the dedication to the students' learning and the attention to detail in the material that was taught.

How does Medical Intuition support your professional practice?

I have the daily opportunity to practice my own energy management from the skills that were learned in the program. I have added empathy and compassion for my veteran patients with the awareness of the multidimensionality of health and disease.

How does Medical Intuition support your personal life?

The skills learned in class are life skills. I use them daily in my personal practice and have found that I am more calm and balanced and am able to re-balance my energy quickly when I get off kilter. I have tools to shed light on my own personal processes. I feel that I have grown and transformed into a better version of myself that benefits not only myself but for those around me.

To contact Vanessa:
(336) 529-9286

Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path, Inc. and author of the award-winning book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness.

For information on The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ and the Medical Intuition for Healing & Self-Care Workshop™, please visit The Practical Path or call 877-433-6611.

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Please see our Disclaimer.

Wendie Colter