Take Your "Energetic Vitamins"

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl


The global pandemic and subsequent changes we're experiencing on our planet are a powerful reminder of how important it is to take time to nurture and support ourselves physically, emotionally and energetically.

It can be extremely challenging to keep an energetically balanced perspective in the midst of the disruptive energies of confusion and fear. Intuitive people are highly sensitive by nature, and many of us are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. When our ability to get something as simple as a hug from a loved one is compromised, the feeling of isolation can be devastating. 

Just as we take vitamins and supplements to assist our bodies in wellness, we can help our spirits by making choices that support our best energetic balance.

Take Your "Energetic Vitamins"

The word “vitamin” is derived from the Latin vita, meaning “life.” Most of us know about the effectiveness of taking vitamins and minerals to help keep our immune systems and bodies healthy. But, there are other kinds of “vitamins” we can consider taking every day, to help boost our well-being. They are well researched as supporting healthy bodies, minds and spirits - and the best news is that they are free and can be used as often as needed!

Vitamin H for Humor

When the daily news is grim and people are struggling in many ways, it seems odd to consider “humor” as something to use deliberately every day. But the experience of humor, laughter and joy has been shown to have an immediate positive affect. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. The healing benefits of humor include building the immune system, stress reduction, combating depression, helping to cultivate optimism, and - best of all - humor is recognized by health experts as an effective way to assist with the mind-body connection for wellness.

Experts suggest spending 10-15 minutes every day on something that amuses you or makes you giggle. Some ways to take your Vitamin H can include watching funny movies or cute animal videos, telling jokes with your loved ones, or even taking a Laughter Yoga class! Creating a regular habit to incorporate humor may be a new idea for you, but it can be a powerful energetic vitamin.

Vitamin N for Nature

This important “supplement” has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, boost the immune system, raise self esteem and improve overall health. Doctors are prescribing nature cures as therapy for their patients, and forest bathing and Eco-therapy have been found to provide unparalleled health benefits.

I count on my daily walks to help me de-stress and clear my mind of mental/emotional clutter. Some other ways to get your Vitamin N is by enjoying a garden, strolling in a park, or even sitting on an apartment balcony. Some fascinating research shows that simply looking at a lovely picture of nature helps lower stress and recover balance.

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Vitamin Q for Quiet

People often relate the idea of “inner quiet” to a regular meditation practice. But, there are other simple and easy ways to utilize the practice of silence without having to sit down to meditate. Just as too much noise can cause stress and tension, research has found that silence has the opposite effect in helping to relieve tension in both the brain and body.

We tend to fill up silence with social media, television, news and other mental stimulation. Giving yourself the option of deliberate silence, even for a short time every day, can lower stress exponentially. Some ways to achieve even 5 minutes of silence are - turning off the television and computer, putting your smartphone on “airplane mode,” taking a bath, and even wearing earplugs, earbuds or headphones to keep noise at bay.

Vitamin M for Movement

The health benefits of simply moving your body are certainly well studied. But if regular exercise is hard to achieve or feels burdensome, consider taking some time in the day to “mini-move.” Dancing, gardening and stretching are all simple and fun ways to get some movement going! Consider setting a timer to remind you to stand up, stretch and move every 20-30 minutes.

One of my favorite ways to incorporate movement is while preparing dinner. My husband and I will put on our favorite music and “shake a tail-feather” while chopping veggies! This always helps boost our Vitamin H, as well.

Vitamin C for Community

The importance of community is critical to mental and emotional health. In a pandemic or other health crisis, this may be the most challenging “energetic vitamin” to get.

Some ways to build connection and community are - checking in with your friends and loved ones regularly by phone, Skype, Facetime, etc. Consider reaching out to people you haven’t connected with in awhile. Joining online groups and communities via social media and networks are wonderful for expanding your community and help sustain feelings of connection and well-being.

Until next time -


Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path, Inc. For information on The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ and the Medical Intuition for Healing Workshop™, please visit The Practical Path or call 877-433-6611.

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Please see our Disclaimer.